de Milo
De chiquito aquella historia me contaron
Del intrépido asesino del dragón
Hoy el mágico y valiente caballero
Se camufla en un paisaje de neón
Cenicienta ya no quiere ser princesa
Busca un príncipe que este en liquidación
Y se burla de la gente cuando espera
Que una flecha le atraviese el corazón
Hay que seguir soñando
Reírse de vez en cuando
Y dejar en la distancia cicatrices
Que de tantos días grises
Ya casi no se ve el sol
De chiquito gobernaba otras tierras
En castillos de almohadones y cartón
Hoy oníricas pantallas son la selva
Ya no hay jaula que contenga ese león
No me asusta que se pierda eso que añoro
Ni me aterra que no tenga marcha atrás
Pero puede que me guarde algún tesoro
Y lo cuente como historia de diván
Hay que seguir soñando
Reírse de vez en cuando
Y dejar en la distancia cicatrices
Que de tantos días grises
Ya casi no se ve el sol
Y dejar en la distancia cicatrices
Que de tantos días grises
Ya no se ve el sol mmm, ah
Más canciones de Milo
pure scientific intelligence (quantum)
budding ornithologists are weary of tired analogies
note to mrs
who told you to think??!!?!?!?!
mid answer trying to remember what the question is
budding ornithologists are weary of tired analogies
budding ornithologists are weary of tired analogies
mythbuilding exercise no.9
budding ornithologists are weary of tired analogies
things that happen at day // things that happen at night
galahad in goosedown (fiat iustitia et pereat mundus)
budding ornithologists are weary of tired analogies
magician (suture)
who told you to think??!!?!?!?!
Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc (for Schopenhauer)
things that happen at day // things that happen at night
deposition regarding the green horse for rap
budding ornithologists are weary of tired analogies
'98 gewehr
Nostrum Grocers
the esteemed saboteur reggie baylor hosts an evening at the scallops hotel
budding ornithologists are weary of tired analogies
Folk-Metaphysics, 2nd ed.
things that happen at day // things that happen at night
take advantage of the naysayer
who told you to think??!!?!?!?!
budding ornithologists are weary of tired analogies
who told you to think??!!?!?!?!
who told you to think??!!?!?!?!
budding ornithologists are weary of tired analogies
ought implies can and i cannot
a toothpaste suburb
call + form (picture)
who told you to think??!!?!?!?!