Eshet Chayil
de Mayer Davis
Only a nascent trying to harness huge fire
Out on the beach in the darkness starting bonfire
So gorgeous, a man might cry
Burning trees in the basement start a cool fire
Feel my heartbeat racing, baby you're on fire
So gorgeous, a man might cry
Back in paris you told me you were suicidal
It's not a vacation if I lose you to eiffel
You're gorgeous but you can't fly
A hidden admirer sent me roses white as fire
We took our handfuls it was war, flower fighter
Más canciones de Mayer Davis
Shalom Alechem (Version 1)
Shabbat, for Starters.
Introductory Melody
Shabbat, for Starters.
Shalom Alechem (Version 2)
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Hamavdil/shavua Tov (A Good Week)
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Birkat Hamazon/blessing After the Meal
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Shir Hama'alot (Version 2)
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Shir Hama'alot (Version 1)
Shabbat, for Starters.
Kiddush for Friday Night
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M'nucha V'simcha
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Yom Shabbaton
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Tzur Mishelo
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Birkat Habanim/blessing of the Children
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Cracow Nigun
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Yedid Nefesh
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Mizmor L'david
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Ya Ribon
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Hadlakat Nerot/blessing for Lighting of Candles
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Netilat Yadaim/the Washing of Hands
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Hamotzi/the Blessing Over Bread
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Zimun/the Invitation to Bensch
Shabbat, for Starters.