Daylight as Sunset - Warm Down Mix

de Masood Ali Khan

maalikul mulk laa shariikaa lahuu
vaahdahuu laa ilaaha illaa huu
Shams Tabrez gar Khudaa talaabii
khusbuukhaaN laa ilaa illa huu

Kaunain kaa masjuud hai maabuud hai tuu
har shai terii shaahid hai ke mash’uud hai tuu
har ek ke lab par hai terii hamd-o-sanaa
har soz meN har saaz meN maujuud hai tuu

You are the Lord of the two worlds, you are to be worshipped
all creations are your witnesses because you are to be witnessed.
On every lip is your praise and eulogy
you are present in all passions and all music.

tere hii naam se har ibtidaa hai
tere hii naam tak har intihaa hai
terii hamd-o-sanaa, alhumdulillah
ke tuu mere Muhammad kaa Khudaa hai

All beginnings begin with your name
and all the [blessings] end with your name.
Your praise is praiseworthy
because you are the God of my Muhammad.

Allah huu Allah huu
Allah huu Allah huu

Sufi mystic chants.

ye zamiin jab na thii, ye jahaaN jab na thaa
chaaNd suraj na the, aasmaaN jab na thaa
raaz-e-haq bhii kisii par ayaaN jab na thaa
jab na thaa kuch yahaaN, thaa magar tuu hi tuu

The time when there was neither land nor the world
nor moon, sun or the sky,
[and] when truth was not known to anyone.
At that time there was nothing except you.

pahuNche meraaj meN arsh tak Mustafaa
jab na maabuud-o-bande meN pardaa rahaa
tab malaaik ne Hazrat se chhup kar kahaa
saarii maKhluuq meN haq-numaa tuu hii tuu

When Mustafa (another name of Prophet Muhammad) ascended to heavens
[and] when there was no veil between the master and the servant.
Then the angels said secretly to the Prophet
that of all the creations, only he was truth-like.

kyuuN piyaa ibn-e-Haider ne jaam-e-fanaa?
Khaal khichvaa’ii Tabrez ne kyuuN bhalaa?
daar par chaRh kar Mansoor ne kyaa kahaa?
sab banaa ke khilone rahaa tuu hii tuu

Why the son of Haider drank the cup of annihilation?
Why Tabrez agreed to be skinned alive?
What Mansoor said on the gallows?
After making all these toys, you remained the same.

Khaaliq-e-kul hai tuu ismeN kyaa guftuguu
saare aalam ko hai teri hi justujuu
teri jalvaagarii hai ayaaN chahaar-suu
laa shariikaa lahuu, maalik-e-mulk tuu

There is no argument that you are the master of all
[and] the whole world pines for you.
Your splendor is obvious everywhere
No one can be associated to you, you are the master of the world.

har shai tere jamaal kii aaiinaa-daar hai
har shai pukaartii hai tuu parvardigaar hai

Every creation reflect your glory
all creations chant that you are the Lord.

terii rabuubiyat kii adaa ko kamaal hai
tuu rabb-e-qaaynaat hai, tuu laa-zavaal hai

The beauty of your Lordship is perfect
you are the Lord of the Universe, you are without decline.

tuu jo har aan nayii shaan dikhaa detaa hai
diidaa-e-shauq ko hairaaan banaa detaa hai
Daalii Daalii terii takhliiq ke gun gaatii hai
pattaa pattaa terii qudrat kaa pataa detaa hai

You, the one who glows with new radiance every moment
[and] perplex the yearning eyes.
All the branches [of trees] sing praise of your creation
[and] all the leaves lead to your omnipotence.

laa ilaahaa terii shaan yaa! vaadahuu
tuu Khayaal-o-tajassus, tuu hii aarzuu
aaNkh kii roshnii, dil kii aavaaz
thaa bhii tuu, hai bhii tuu, hogaa bhii tuu

There is no one like you and that is your grandeur, O! the unique one
you are the imagination and inquisitiveness, you are the wish
you are the light [and] the voice of heart
you were there, you are there and you will be there.

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