I Chose you, My Homeland (Ini Ikhtartaka Ya Watani)
de Marcel Khalifa
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Más canciones de Marcel Khalifa
Sleep Little One (Nami, Nami Ya Seghirreh)
At The Border
A Child (Tiful)
Peace Be With You
My Mother
Promises of the Storm
Call of the Rooster (El Helwa Di)
Dreamy Sunrise (Ya Mahla Nourha)
The Passport
Promises of the Storm
I Pass By Your Name
Concerto Al Andalus
Concerto Al Andalus
Rita and the Rifle
Promises of the Storm
The Anthem (Nashid Al Intifada)
Peace Be With You
Walking Tall (Wa Ana Amshi)
Dreamy Sunrise (Ya Mahla Nourha)
Sparrow (Asfour)
At The Border