de Lou Monte
When I was a little boy, my mother used
To take me for walks along the beach.
And I remember the first time I saw
These rocks all covered with these little
Hard shelled creatures. And I asked her,
"Hey mom, what are those things on the rocks over there."
And she said to me, "luigi, they are snails or parywinkles,
In the old country they used to be called?
But your grandma had a pet name for them,
She used to call them babaluci.
And this song is all about a little snail called babaluci."
I wake up in the morning, look out at the sea
Take a walk out on the beach, and set my spirit free
I hear the gulls a crying, a flying in the breeze
I see my friend the little snail, he smiles and winks at me
Babaluci, he's on the rocks making love the whole day long
In the worth of summer, all winter long
The only time he takes a break is when the tide comes in
And when it turns the other way he starts right in again
When we first met some months ago, his family number 3
He's been such a busy snail its very plain to see
You can hardly see the rock its covered side to side
The babaluci now numbers 95
Babaluci, he's on the rocks making love the whole day long
In the worth of summer, all winter long
The only time he takes a break is when the tide comes in
And when it turns the other way he starts right in again
Maybe I should take my girl along the beach with me
Have her watch this creature making love beside the sea
It lues her imbtitions better luck then free
Then I'd be known from her alone as babaluci
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