Ado's Last Journey
de Lisa Morgenstern
Jetzt steh ich hier vor meinem Fenster,
blicke in die weite Welt,
seh nur Tod und Verderben,
ist es das was Euch am Leben fehlt.
Seh Hungersnot in allen Gemauern,
durstende doch kein Wasser naht,
Sterbende vor Qualen sich biegen,
doch dich sehe ich nicht.
Ich hab mir oft den Kopf zerbrochen,
wo du eigendlich hier bist,
hab gebetet und gebangt,
das du mich in deiner Gnade nie vergisst.
Nun will ich alsdann mich von dir wenden,
das Leben so leben wies das Leben mich lehrt,
und dann die Blicke nach vorne richten,
denn dich, dich brauch ich nicht.
Du bist nicht das was viele glauben,
bist nicht der, dem man vertraut,
du bist nicht Licht und nicht Erlasung,
in Ewigkeit, amen
Más canciones de Lisa Morgenstern
Im Abendrot - Franz Schubert
The Empress: II (Soundtrack from the Netflix Series)
Years After The Wedding
The Empress: II (Soundtrack from the Netflix Series)
Rules Of The Court
The Empress: II (Soundtrack from the Netflix Series)
It's a Girl
The Empress: II (Soundtrack from the Netflix Series)
The Empress: II (Soundtrack from the Netflix Series)
Glorious Scoundrel
The Empress: II (Soundtrack from the Netflix Series)
Imperial Couple
The Empress: II (Soundtrack from the Netflix Series)
Love and Lies
The Empress: II (Soundtrack from the Netflix Series)
The Empress: II (Soundtrack from the Netflix Series)
Dark Fading Waves
The Empress: II (Soundtrack from the Netflix Series)
Little Kaiserin
The Empress: II (Soundtrack from the Netflix Series)
The Emperor's Despair I
The Empress: II (Soundtrack from the Netflix Series)
Swallow, Lend Me Your Wings
The Empress: II (Soundtrack from the Netflix Series)
On The Edge
The Empress: II (Soundtrack from the Netflix Series)
Beloved Rival
The Empress: II (Soundtrack from the Netflix Series)
Little Kaiser
The Empress: II (Soundtrack from the Netflix Series)
A Mother's Duty
The Empress: II (Soundtrack from the Netflix Series)
Napoleon's Puppets
The Empress: II (Soundtrack from the Netflix Series)
The Empress: II (Soundtrack from the Netflix Series)
The Emperor's Despair II
The Empress: II (Soundtrack from the Netflix Series)