Ave Maria
de Linda Eder
Ave Maria gratia plena
Dominus tecum, benedicta tu
Benedicta in mulieribus
Et benedictus fructus ventris tui Jesus
Ave Maria gratia plena
Dominus tecum, benedicta tu
Benedicta in mulieribus
Et benedictus frucutus ventris tui Jesus
Ave Maria
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Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
Christmas Stays The Same
Man of La Mancha
It's Time
Man of La Mancha
Broadway My Way
Someone Like You
Jekyll & Hyde: The Gothic Musical Thriller
Falling Slowly
A New Life
Jekyll & Hyde: The Gothic Musical Thriller
Jekyll & Hyde: The Gothic Musical Thriller
Jekyll & Hyde: The Gothic Musical Thriller
I Need to Know
Jekyll & Hyde: The Gothic Musical Thriller
Jekyll & Hyde: The Gothic Musical Thriller
Bitch, Bitch, Bitch
Jekyll & Hyde: The Gothic Musical Thriller
The Engagement Party
Jekyll & Hyde: The Gothic Musical Thriller
Jekyll & Hyde: The Gothic Musical Thriller
Take Me as I Am
Jekyll & Hyde: The Gothic Musical Thriller
Lisa Carew
Jekyll & Hyde: The Gothic Musical Thriller
Board of Govenors
Jekyll & Hyde: The Gothic Musical Thriller
Bring on the Men
Jekyll & Hyde: The Gothic Musical Thriller
Lucy Meets Jekyll
Jekyll & Hyde: The Gothic Musical Thriller
How Can I Continue On?
Jekyll & Hyde: The Gothic Musical Thriller