
de Komo

Oh Maui boy, ukeleles are calling
Time and again, just as the evening tide
The time has come, and all the girls are sighing
It's you, it's you with whom their hearts reside

Yes, sing again with strummer's songs of beauty
And then the maiden's blush of love will show
They'll love you there in Maui as the rainbows
Oh Maui boy, oh Maui boy, they love you so

And when you sing, then all the girls are sighing
And for you lad, yes glad as they can be
You'll sing your songs of love in lovely Maui
And kiss the lips of Maui girls with glee

Then you will hear, how soft the ukelele
Brings back my dreams of days in old Maui
So, sing a song to let all know the beauty
A song of peace and love of my Hawaii

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