I'm Learning to Speak French in Dancing School (Vocal)
de Kimbo Children's Music
All over the earth
The fire's in their eyes
They're oddly compelled
They're strangely mesmerized
Nature's dark dreams raise their sordid head
What black hearts beat in our chest
They drift without love
The lone beleaguered souls
But when it arrives
They spiral past control
What angry ocean has swallowed us
Pitched us out into the red
Love, violent love - the hand of man is clenched in a fist
How can I endure - can I live through this savage tryst
Love, violent love - we live in smoke and walk in a daze
But who would put out - the beautiful flame, the tenderest blaze
They journey alone
Their loveless hearts are cold
Then spark turns to fire
And passion sears the soul
Then, ere we safeguard our tender hearts
Oh, what infernos will rage
Love, violent love - we live in smoke and walk in a daze
But who would put out - the beautiful flame, the tenderest blaze
Love, violent love - the hand of man is clenched in a fist
How can I endure - can I live through this savage tryst
It hangs in the air
Desire's desperate musk
Cloying and stale
Each breath so damp with lust
See all the clouds of iniquity
Billowing over the hills
Love, violent love - we feel the burn in each passing breath
Love, violent love - how shocking a birth, how tragic a death
Love, violent love - the hand of man is clenched in a fist
How can I endure - can I live through this savage tryst
Love, violent love - we live in smoke and walk in a daze
but who would put out - the beautiful flame, the tenderest blaze
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