Hùg Air A' Bhonaid Mhòir
de Julie Fowlis
Hùg air a’ bhonaid mhòir,
Cuiribh oirre ’s leigibh leatha;
Tuilleadh air a’ bhonaid eile,
Chan eil leth gu leòr oirre.
Bhonaid a bh’ aig dòmhnall bàn
Ann an bothalam na tàmh,
Bha I uiread ris an spàrr,
B’ àird’ I na lòban.
Celebrate the great bonnet!
Add to it, leave it alone.
More on the other bonnet.
There’s not half enough on it.
Donald ban’s bonnet
Is to be found in bothalam.
It was as high as the roof joist,
Higher than the corn-stack frame.
Da thàbh air an fharaidh,
Tha rud shìos anns a’ charaidh;
Da thàbh air an fharaidh,
Tha rud aig an fhaoileig.
Ged tha mi gun rud agam,
Tha rud shios anns a’ charaidh;
Ged tha mi gun rud agam,
Tha rud aig an fhaoileig.
Two spoon nets in the loft,
There’s something in the fish-trap;
Two spoon-nets in the loft,
The seagull has a catch.
Although I’m empty-handed,
There’s something in the fish trap;
Although I’m empty handed,
The seagull has a catch.
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Touch The Sky - From "Brave"/Soundtrack
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Thèid Mi Do Loch Àlainn
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