de Hefner
Mother is fucked up, Father is fucked up,
But they're not as fucked up as me.
This dear has trestles hanging to her ankles,
This dear's far wiser than me.
'What's that sound?', the sound of Mary Lees heart breaking,
She used to be my one and only true love,
'What's that sound?', the sound of Mars and Venus clashing,
every time that girl hitches up her skirt,
She and me should drink more whiskey,
Oh Mary Lee forgive me I am tempted, I am tempted.
She and I should drink more wine,
Mary Lee all this time I've been thinking of drinking with another.
On line 22, of page 36 of the book she was reading contained both our names.
I took this to mean we were meant to be and I would be leaving my sweet Mary Lee.
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I Took Her Love For Granted
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We Love The City
The Sweetness Lies Within
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The Sad Witch
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A Hymn For The Postal Service
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Love Will Destroy Us In The End
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The Librarian
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God Is On My Side
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