Untold: Stage III: Understanding
de Hafez Nazeri
Part 1
Bitlimoni leih? Bitlimoni leih?
Law shoftom eineih... hilween add eih.
Hat qolo inshighali wa sohd el layali.
Mosh kiteer aleih... leih bitlimoni?
Part 2
Aseer el habayeb, ya albi ya dayib.
Fi mogeit aabeer min shaar el hareer.
Aal khidood yehafhaf... we yerga yiteer.
Wel nas bey limoni we aamil eih ya albi?
Ayzeen yehremoni mino leih ya albi?
Part 3
Min yom hobo ma lamas albi,
Fatah el bab lel shoq yelaab be.
We howa habibi. we howa nasibi,
We howa el nour le einaya we albi.
We howa shababi, we howa sahabi.
We howa qaribi wa kol habaybi.
Wel nas bey limoni we aamil eih ya albi?
Ayzeen yehremoni mino leih ya albi?
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Existence: Life
Rumi Symphony Project: Untold
Creation (Om): Atomic Peace
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Creation (Om): Dark Matter
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Untold: Stage I: The Quest
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Untold: Stage II: Love
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Untold: Stage IV: Detachment
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Untold: Stage V: Unity
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Untold: Stage VI: Wonderment
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Untold: Stage VII: Absolute Nothingness
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Rumi Symphony Project: Untold