Welcome Home
de Green Jelly
When clouds of iron gather nigh, blackening the winter sky,
Storms gather fury from the lake, best hurry home and refuge take,
For soon the worst will come to pass, and ice will turn your routes to glass,
While in the north the beast awakens, from his year long slumber taken,
His howl the fury of the gales, with deadly curves that rarely fail,
To send your autos into flight, through blizzard's curtain blinding white,
See driving skills you lack with the, FLIGHT OF THE SKAJAQUADA
Más canciones de Green Jelly
The Bear Song
333 (Remastered)
You Can't Kill Me
Musick To Insult Your Intelligence By
Three Little Pigs
Cereal Killer Soundtrack
Sugar and Spice
Musick To Insult Your Intelligence By
Gefilte Fish
Musick To Insult Your Intelligence By
Albert Fish/Liverwurst
Musick To Insult Your Intelligence By
Stabby the Clown
Musick To Insult Your Intelligence By
Geek Girl
Musick To Insult Your Intelligence By
I Will Not
Musick To Insult Your Intelligence By
You're Gone
Musick To Insult Your Intelligence By
Nothing To Say
Musick To Insult Your Intelligence By
Sweat Lagoon
Musick To Insult Your Intelligence By
Trick or Treat
Musick To Insult Your Intelligence By
Scroty the Clow
Musick To Insult Your Intelligence By
Obey The Cowgod
Cereal Killer Soundtrack
Cereal Killer - Edit
Cereal Killer Soundtrack
Rock-N-Roll Pumpkihn
Cereal Killer Soundtrack
Anarchy In The U.K.
Cereal Killer Soundtrack
Electric Harley House (Of Love)
Cereal Killer Soundtrack
Trippin' On XTC
Cereal Killer Soundtrack