Ode for St. Cecilia's Day: Part Two, "The trumpet's lound clangor" (B)

de George Frideric Handel

For unto us a child is born
Unto us
A son is given
Unto us
A son is given

For unto us a child is born
For unto us a child is born
Unto us
A son is given
Unto us
A son is given

For unto us a child is born
For unto us a child is born
Unto us
A son is given
Unto us
A son is given
Unto us
Unto us
The son is given
The son is given

And the government shall be upon his shoulder
And the government shall be upon his shoulder
And the government shall be upon his shoulder
And his name shall be called

The Mighty God
The Everlasting Father
The Prince of Peace

For unto us a child is born
For unto us a child is born
Unto us
A son is given
Unto us a child is born
Unto us a son is given

And the government shall be upon his shoulder
And the government shall be upon his shoulder
And his name
And his name shall be called

The Mighty God
The Everlasting Father
The Prince of Peace

For unto us a child is born
For unto us a child is born
For unto us a child is born
For unto us a child is born
Unto us
A son is given
Unto us
A son is given

And the government shall be upon his shoulder
And the government shall be upon his shoulder
And the government shall be upon his shoulder
And his name shall be called

The Mighty God
The Everlasting Father
The Prince of Peace

For unto us a child is born
For unto us a child is born
Unto us
A son is given
Unto us a son is given
Unto us a son is given

And the government, the government shall be upon his shoulder
And the government, the government shall be upon his shoulder
And his name shall be called

The Mighty God
The Everlasting Father
The Prince of Peace

The Everlasting Father
The Prince of Peace

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