Shiva Tandava Stotram

de Gaiea Sanskrit

With the pain that perpetuates the wait
Come the loneliness and fear
And what was before desire
Now is only dream, under the Empire's domination

That involves like light sceni
Light breeze that becomes storm
And what was before Venus
Now is the hangman's hand under the sins domination

In the sweet taste that hides the poison
Is prisoner without a new dawns
And what was before enchant
Now is like calvary, and all days are dark

I can feel in my mind the pain
Or maybe only the wake of silence
And see the world of images and lies
Around me

Prisoner of an endless dreams
Without shadows that hide the truths
The Empire dominates the life
And the powers go beyond the dream

And with the pain that perpetuates the wait
Increased the loneliness and the fear
And what was before dream
Now is pain under the Empire's domination

And don't exist strenght that undo the union
Neither water that purify the godless soul
And the hangman's hand
Now is hard endless journey

Of torments that wastes away the life
Of lightless life in its ways
And what was before
Now is agony and the soul's rest

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