Merle noir, pt. 1 - Blackbird
de Frémeaux Nature
I know your voice and I've seen that face
Still you stay around me
I've seen you, only in my deepest nightmares
I lie awake at night
Kept busy by the voices from the dark
All whispering to themselves
Do they know I'm here?
Do they know I'm
Dying to leave this hell?
Suffering from the weirdest déjà vu
I'm suffering from this constant déjà vu
Repeat the last four weeks for me so I can understand what the fuck is going on
Repeat this for me
Repeat this for me
Why is this happening
Happеning to me?
Repeat thе last four weeks for me so I can understand what the fuck is going on
(What the fuck is going on?)
I lie awake at night
Kept busy by the voices from the dark
Why is this happening to me?
Why is this happening to me?
To me?
Fuck me
Every night is the same
Stop talking
Stop talking
Get out
Get out
Fuck you
Every night is the same
Stop talking
Stop, stop
Más canciones de Frémeaux Nature
Crapaud commun - Common Toad
Au pays des grenouilles (Guide sonore des amphibiens / Frog Talk)
Pic epeiche - Great Spoted Woodpecker
Oiseaux de votre jardin (Guide sonore)
Loup - Wolf
Chant des quatre saisons (Guide sonore / Songs of Four Seasons)
Merle noir - Blackbird
La France : jardins, pré, bocage (Country Ambience)
Vol de calao - Hornbill Flight
Jungles de Borneo (Concerts naturels)
Petit Calao à bec noir - Grey Hornbill
Savane d'Afrique - Natural Atmosphere of African Savanna
Torcol - Wryneck
Oiseaux de votre jardin (Guide sonore)
Engoulevent malais - Malesian Nightjar
Jungles de Borneo (Concerts naturels)
Ambiance forestière
Balades en automne (Concerts naturels)
Forêt tropicale de moyenne altitude
Ambiances de Papouasie (Paysages sonores)
La nuit en forêt
Balades en automne (Concerts naturels)
Le brame de plusieurs cerfs
Balades en automne (Concerts naturels)
Un grand cerf menaçant
Balades en automne (Concerts naturels)
Le lever du jour avec le rouge-gorge
Balades en automne (Concerts naturels)
Eveil de la forêt
Balades en automne (Concerts naturels)
Un pic épeiche et une buse variable
Balades en automne (Concerts naturels)
Des geais et des pinsons
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Une pluie annoncée
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Une grosse averse sur la forêt
Balades en automne (Concerts naturels)
Des corneilles enjouées
Balades en automne (Concerts naturels)