Des geais et des pinsons
de Frémeaux Nature
Somebody pull me apart
Or take me by the hand
I'm asking you for forgiveness
Not a fucking demand
From this pain I live with
From this pain I live with
It's just a matter of time before I draw my last breath
Sinking into myself to greet my death
I'm not the only one with pain
So where are you?
Somebody pull me apart
Or take me by the hand
I'm asking you for forgiveness
Not a fucking demand
So where are you?
Somebody pull me apart
Or take me by the hand
I'm asking you for forgiveness
Not a fucking demand
So I've been biding my time
Til I leave this life
Life behind me
'Cause I've been holding my breath just to feel the stabbing in my chest
Somebody give me the answers
'Cause I'm clocking out
Somebody help me to breathe
Somebody help me to breathe
I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't
Save me from this
I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't
Save me from this
I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't
Save me from this
I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't
Save me from this
From this
Save me from this hell
For every night I survive
I'm just wasting my breath
I'm just wasting my breath
Save me from this
Save me from this pain I live with
Pain I live with
Más canciones de Frémeaux Nature
Crapaud commun - Common Toad
Au pays des grenouilles (Guide sonore des amphibiens / Frog Talk)
Pic epeiche - Great Spoted Woodpecker
Oiseaux de votre jardin (Guide sonore)
Loup - Wolf
Chant des quatre saisons (Guide sonore / Songs of Four Seasons)
Merle noir - Blackbird
La France : jardins, pré, bocage (Country Ambience)
Vol de calao - Hornbill Flight
Jungles de Borneo (Concerts naturels)
Petit Calao à bec noir - Grey Hornbill
Savane d'Afrique - Natural Atmosphere of African Savanna
Torcol - Wryneck
Oiseaux de votre jardin (Guide sonore)
Engoulevent malais - Malesian Nightjar
Jungles de Borneo (Concerts naturels)
Merle noir, pt. 1 - Blackbird
Le matin des oiseaux - A Morning of Birds (Cinq paysages sonores de l'aube)
Ambiance forestière
Balades en automne (Concerts naturels)
Forêt tropicale de moyenne altitude
Ambiances de Papouasie (Paysages sonores)
La nuit en forêt
Balades en automne (Concerts naturels)
Le brame de plusieurs cerfs
Balades en automne (Concerts naturels)
Un grand cerf menaçant
Balades en automne (Concerts naturels)
Le lever du jour avec le rouge-gorge
Balades en automne (Concerts naturels)
Eveil de la forêt
Balades en automne (Concerts naturels)
Un pic épeiche et une buse variable
Balades en automne (Concerts naturels)
Une pluie annoncée
Balades en automne (Concerts naturels)
Une grosse averse sur la forêt
Balades en automne (Concerts naturels)
Des corneilles enjouées
Balades en automne (Concerts naturels)