Couroucou de diard - Diard's Rrogon
de Frémeaux Nature
Take a long hard look
Check it again, I bet you see right through me
For all the times I let the blood run out
I'm ready to bleed
End this, end this
You keep me trapped like a prisoner trying to leave
Their cell, their hell
The constant dark and the life you've taken from me
I, I can't take this anymore
You left your life at the door
You know
You've done this and you'll do it again
You fucked up
You left me with a key to the end
You know
You've done this and you'll do it again
You left me with a dream
I lost it all by trusting you
A victim of my pain
I lost it all by trusting you
A victim of my pain
These lies
Are the last thing I know
Take one more breath, it's time to go
Trapped now like a wild animal
Take one more breath, it's time to go
'Cause these ties
Will bound me
And these lies
Will haunt me
till I die
They own me
Just take your last breath and go
I, I can't take this anymore
You left your life at the door
You know
You broke me and I won't see the end
I fucked up
And trusted you with a life to mend
You know
You broke me and I won't see the end
You know
I lost it all because I trusted you
I lost it all by trusting you
A victim of my pain
I lost it all by trusting you
A victim of my pain
I am the current that takes you (away)
I am the current that takes you
I manage to sit myself upright as the figure draws closer
By now I'm ice cold and the warmth I felt has turned to a searing pain under my skin
The weight of my guilt has crushed my chest and I struggle to catch my last few breaths
The abyss in front of me grabs me by the neck and the pain of an exit wound sets into my chest
I lost it all by trusting you
A victim of my pain
I lost it all by trusting you
A victim of my pain
(I lost it all because of you)
Más canciones de Frémeaux Nature
Crapaud commun - Common Toad
Au pays des grenouilles (Guide sonore des amphibiens / Frog Talk)
Pic epeiche - Great Spoted Woodpecker
Oiseaux de votre jardin (Guide sonore)
Loup - Wolf
Chant des quatre saisons (Guide sonore / Songs of Four Seasons)
Merle noir - Blackbird
La France : jardins, pré, bocage (Country Ambience)
Vol de calao - Hornbill Flight
Jungles de Borneo (Concerts naturels)
Petit Calao à bec noir - Grey Hornbill
Savane d'Afrique - Natural Atmosphere of African Savanna
Torcol - Wryneck
Oiseaux de votre jardin (Guide sonore)
Engoulevent malais - Malesian Nightjar
Jungles de Borneo (Concerts naturels)
Merle noir, pt. 1 - Blackbird
Le matin des oiseaux - A Morning of Birds (Cinq paysages sonores de l'aube)
Ambiance forestière
Balades en automne (Concerts naturels)
Forêt tropicale de moyenne altitude
Ambiances de Papouasie (Paysages sonores)
La nuit en forêt
Balades en automne (Concerts naturels)
Le brame de plusieurs cerfs
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Un grand cerf menaçant
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Le lever du jour avec le rouge-gorge
Balades en automne (Concerts naturels)
Eveil de la forêt
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Un pic épeiche et une buse variable
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Des geais et des pinsons
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Une pluie annoncée
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Une grosse averse sur la forêt
Balades en automne (Concerts naturels)