Spiritual Godless Universe
de Erang
Un sentiment puissant dans ma gorge est logé
Dans le ciel embrumé deux soleils sans lumière
Au dessous les terrains
Sans âge que le vent délétère
Et la neige assoupie, se partagent
Des visages me croisent et je ne parle pas
J'ai cessé de vouloir aimer l'autre et ses lois
Dans ma gorge est serré ce long cri sidéré
Ces si longs gueulements
Á la nuit seulement
Más canciones de Erang
Morken the True Dragon
Tome X
The Lycanthrope's Dream
Gifted With Magic
Before Your Eyes, Beyond Your Dreams
A Blaze in Time
Another World, Another Time
Tome I
The Underwater Kingdom's Coral Palace
Within the Land of My Imagination I Am the Only God
Strange Eyes from the Trees
Tome I
The Lady Of The Greenberry Lodge
Kingdom of Erang
Funeral for Erang
Within the Land of My Imagination I Am the Only God
Feast of the Night
Within the Land of My Imagination I Am the Only God
All The Beauty We've Lost
Kingdom of Erang
My Mother Moon
Kingdom of Erang
Our Legend
Kingdom of Erang
The Underwater Zeppelin Whale
Kingdom of Erang
Then The Mocked Prince Became A Drunken Tyrant
Kingdom of Erang
Dawn Of The Stone Giants
Kingdom of Erang
Where The Grey Legion Fell
Kingdom of Erang
Night Of The Troll
Kingdom of Erang
Innocent Blood, Barbarian Blade
Kingdom of Erang
Metal Machine Dragon
Kingdom of Erang
Thirteen Runes Over The Gate Of Kolm
Kingdom of Erang