Dia de TBT

de DJ Seven

i feel ill with words of repentance & love.
i could never forget what i felt like to feel my hear drop and watch as lonely insects swarmed around it and fed off like a disease to a diagnosed patient.
you no longer see me.

what am i doing but holding back tears and thinking of you.
withi this tainted image of me.
with no longer love but disappointment.
i'm still here.
i just forgot
i was human for a second and that i can't just be some image.
i have error.
i long to hear your voice again untainted with openness.

i'm sorry for what i have done.
i'm sorry.
what have i done?
and for what i have done i am truly sorry.
words for you are like my pot of gold.
let me not have spent my riches but without this friendship i feel poor.
though i will still reflect on what we had and all of the potential...

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