So Long Old Bean
de Devendra Banhart
Well these days I'm spread so thin
It's like I'm getting carried up by the wind
Every time you get high
You might see me floating by
Well so long, old bean
It's been a dream being with you
I couldn't tell us apart
Oh and I know neither could you
Don't tread on me
When you float downstream
On a moonbeam
So long, old bean
So long, old bean
Here comes the mapinguari singing, aw
When's there gonna be an end to wondering
When all of our troubles are gonna end 'cause
We've had our fill of finding our empty pockets
Emptier still and there probably won't be
An end to that my friends
Now that my tralala's are dating
Little sips of the Hollywood Bowl
They mute up my mind
How kind of them to mellow, mellow, mellow my soul
Well they're the gambling kind
As smooth as a tuba' ass on the dole
Money never beats soul
How noble
Don't forget me
When you float downstream
On a moonbeam
So long, old bean
So long, old bean
I'm a little firefly
Landing on you
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