de Devendra Banhart
Well i don't need nobody to rescue me,
Or help me see the way you treat me.
But i do need somebody to help me say
It's time to walk away (alright, okay)
Too many times
Too many times
Too many times
You crossed over that line
You changed your mind
You changed your mind
You changed your mind
But i never did change mine
Still i was saved by the fire
Singing its song in my heart
That hypnotized all the demons
And tore them apart
But you make them all come back
You make them all return
You're so good at that
And i will never learn
No i never will (i never will, baby)
Well i don't need nobody to heal my pride
Cause i'm playing dead inside
But i do need somebody
To come wake me up, shake me up
Help me to stand up, stand up
You put me down
You cut me down
You turned me down
And i still stick around
You tame my soul
Swallowed me whole
I lost control
And i still couldn't let you go
But i was saved by the fire
That was burning deep inside of myself
I was a knave to desire
But i finally got a little bit of help
You ripped out my tongue
You couldn't trust me with that
You hid your trust fund
I wouldn't a judged you for that
You made me feel dumb
Well i ain't new to that
I must-a treated you wrong
And now you're treating me wrong right back
Two many times, three many times, four many times
I'm about to crack
Eight many times, nine many times
Too many times
I lost track
Still yes, i was saved by the fire
Burning deep inside my soul
Yeah i was saved by the fire
Burning deep inside my soul
(yeah, i know, yeah i know)
Yes i was saved by the fire
Burning deep inside my soul…
Más canciones de Devendra Banhart
Quedate Luna
Cripple Crow
Love Song - Helado Negro Remix
Love Song (Helado Negro Remix)
Smokey Rolls Down Thunder Canyon
Hey Mama Wolf
Cripple Crow
So Long Old Bean
Smokey Rolls Down Thunder Canyon
Samba Vexillographica
Smokey Rolls Down Thunder Canyon
Flying Wig
Smokey Rolls Down Thunder Canyon
Sea Horse
Smokey Rolls Down Thunder Canyon
Bad Girl
Smokey Rolls Down Thunder Canyon
Sea Side
Smokey Rolls Down Thunder Canyon
Shabop Shalom
Smokey Rolls Down Thunder Canyon
Tonada Yanomaminista
Smokey Rolls Down Thunder Canyon
Smokey Rolls Down Thunder Canyon
Smokey Rolls Down Thunder Canyon
The Other Woman
Smokey Rolls Down Thunder Canyon
Smokey Rolls Down Thunder Canyon
I Remember
Smokey Rolls Down Thunder Canyon
My Dearest Friend
Smokey Rolls Down Thunder Canyon