I Remember
de Devendra Banhart
I remember a faraway laugh
A sweet caress
You'd help me zip up my dress
I remember your arms around my neck
21 shells wrapped in my nest
Didn't last
I won't change
Given the chance
And I remember no place for me to hide
Before you came home at night
I remember you turning out the lights
All I ever saw was the red in your eyes
No big surprise
Happened nearly every night
Your own flesh and blood
I did wonder why
I remember not knowing what to say
And how calm you had remained
Your child stillborn with no name
I remember the never-ending summer rain
Please, don't let what was get in the way of what's next
Don't forget
That what's to come hasn't come yet
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Love Song (Helado Negro Remix)
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Hey Mama Wolf
Cripple Crow
So Long Old Bean
Smokey Rolls Down Thunder Canyon
Samba Vexillographica
Smokey Rolls Down Thunder Canyon
Flying Wig
Smokey Rolls Down Thunder Canyon
Sea Horse
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Bad Girl
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Sea Side
Smokey Rolls Down Thunder Canyon
Shabop Shalom
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Tonada Yanomaminista
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Smokey Rolls Down Thunder Canyon
Smokey Rolls Down Thunder Canyon
Smokey Rolls Down Thunder Canyon
The Other Woman
Smokey Rolls Down Thunder Canyon
Smokey Rolls Down Thunder Canyon
My Dearest Friend
Smokey Rolls Down Thunder Canyon