Vuls - Credne
de Dead Voices On Air
These thoughts replace when I'm on the floor
I cannot taste the sweetness anymore
You bi-polarize me with each test
Contaminate the faintest breath
For speaking well of in the name
Of where to watch and who to blame
All of us there
What should I wear
For human frailty on parade
To entertain you may invade
A silent party - secret wish
At best an unconvincing kiss
Expand, explode, wrinkle up or blow away
I look you up to let me down
I take the time to track you
Through chosen smoke-screen silhouettes
Who've earned the right to back you
This for so long
Perfect and wrong
You write me out - I reappear
To criticize you interfere
But I will say what I want to
And there is nothing you can do
Expand, explode, wrinkle up or blow away
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