Energie Raga
de Dead Voices On Air
I was nothing, but the mirror of your weakness
I just tried to make you laugh, to make you carry on
To forget the endless, overkilling madness
I loved you, everyone …
I just tried to show you, how you used to be
I found the reason of my life into the children's smile
The lights were on, the kids, they kept on loving me
Just for a little while …
CHORUS: Say a prayer for the clown, before the circus leaves the town
And forget him as you walk out of that door!
No bad feelings for the clown, he did all and never let you down
Made a point and his face will not bother anymore!
I was empty, till you filled me with your laughter
And my colors came to cover all your shades of grey
Do you see the dance, or you just watch the dancer
You'd love it anyway …
Part 2:
Every night lions are howling in the scene
Acrobats gathering the success they win
Then wonderfull horses and camels and elephants are coming in.
"Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention?
Here comes the world's greatest magician! "
You will freeze on your seats, just to see such a wonderful illusion!
(And it's all an illusion!)
Than a man, strange looking, painted and dressed in laughter
Don't you know, that my life is the dream you're running after
My mistakes are yours and if I'm just a clown
You are the others!
So, I don't wanna see somebody crying at my grave
I was free to act like you and you were the slave!
You think you saw and know me, but you never even noticed what I gave!
Part 3
Standing alone in the breeze of the night,
Under my makeup the tears are flowing !
Standing alone every day in the stagelight,
Playing the fool , as the laughter's growing...
People around, nowhere a friend,
Somebody to lend me a hand,
The stars are shining down on me,
The lights - they left me endlessly
Fears and pain disappeared tonight,
Under my makeup the tears are hidden!
Troubles are gathered, can I get up to fight?
But my emotions are forbidden!
I must be there, I gotta share
The innocence that's filling the air...
All these people may not see
Someone who is endlessly
Part 4: Menagerie
Summer nights are shining with a million stars
Down beetwen the tents, the cages and the cars
I can't hear a sound:
Everybody sleeps all around .
I don't know what brings me out here everynight
Even when it's cloudy and there is no light
Something's wrong with me
I'm talking to our menagerie .
Chorus : Menagerie , menagerie
Quietly you'll listen to me
Without a word , untold, unheard
I wonder can't you see the absurd. .
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