A New Collar/Jock & Trusty/It's Jim Dear - From "Lady and the Tramp"/Score
de Chœurs - La Belle et le Clochard
La letra de la canción 'a-new-collarjock-trustyits-jim-dear-from-lady-and-the-trampscore' de 'choeurs-la-belle-et-le-clochard' no se encontró.
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Disney: Les 50 Plus Belles Chansons (3 Vol.)
Final (Paix sur la terre) - From "Lady and the Tramp"/French Soundtrack Version
La Belle et le Clochard
Paix sur la terre - From "Lady and the Tramp"/French Soundtrack Version
La Belle et le Clochard
It Has A Ribbon/Lady To Bed/A Few Mornings Later - From "Lady and the Tramp"/Score
La Belle et le Clochard
Sunday/The Rat/Morning Paper - From "Lady and the Tramp"/Score
La Belle et le Clochard
What a Day!/Breakfast at Tony's - From "Lady and the Tramp"/Score
La Belle et le Clochard
Warning/Breakout/Snob Hill/A Wee Bairn - From "Lady and the Tramp"/Score
La Belle et le Clochard
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La Belle et le Clochard
Going Away/Aunt Sarah - From "Lady and the Tramp"/Score
La Belle et le Clochard
The Muzzle/Wrong Side of the Tracks - From "Lady and the Tramp"/Score
La Belle et le Clochard
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La Belle et le Clochard
Through the Zoo/A Log Puller - From "Lady and the Tramp"/Score
La Belle et le Clochard
Sans chaîne et sans collier/Belle nuit - From "Lady and the Tramp"/French Soundtrack Version
La Belle et le Clochard
It's Morning/Ever Chase Chickens/Caught - From "Lady and the Tramp"/Score
La Belle et le Clochard
Home Sweet Home - From "Lady and the Tramp"/Soundtrack Version
La Belle et le Clochard
The Pound - From "Lady and the Tramp"/Score
La Belle et le Clochard
Oh quel chien/Il se traîne - From "Lady and the Tramp"/French Soundtrack Version
La Belle et le Clochard