de Caparezza
Well I backstroked through my high school years
Changing lanes and changing gears
Thought I was invincible
Thinking I could change the world
Cutting classes breaking rules
The learning started after school
You were there we'd slip away
Drive right through the yawning day and...
Never check the review mirror
Watch the future getting clearer
Shut your mouth and close your eyes
Put the seat back let me drive and cruise
With a name tag and a bright blue vest
They put the handcuffs on your wrist
Your careless summer's been replaced
A smile's a stranger to your face
And my fingers punch the cold white keys
I'm commas and apostrophes
Someday we'll get out of this
Leave a postcard on the desk and...
Never stop to think about it
Not a single doubt about it
Feet don't ever touch the ground
So high we're not coming down we cruise
And my body aches
For the warm embrace
Of a better day
Oh it's not too late to slip away
Not too late to slip away now
Más canciones de Caparezza
Canzone A Metà
La Fine Di Gaia
Il Sogno Eretico
La Scelta
La Scelta
Il Mondo Dopo Lewis Carroll
Prisoner 709
Prosopagnosia (feat. John De Leo) - Prisoner 709 Live Version
Prisoner 709 Live
Messa In Moto
Il Sogno Eretico
Cammina Solo
Prisoner 709 - Prisoner 709 Live Version
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Confusianesimo - Prisoner 709 Live Version
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Una Chiave - Prisoner 709 Live Version
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Ti Fa Stare Bene - Prisoner 709 Live Version
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Larsen - Prisoner 709 Live Version
Prisoner 709 Live
L'Uomo Che Premette - Prisoner 709 Live Version
Prisoner 709 Live
Autoipnotica - Prisoner 709 Live Version
Prisoner 709 Live
Prosopagno Sia! - Prisoner 709 Live Version
Prisoner 709 Live
Canzone All'Entrata