A Virgin Most Pure (feat. Belle Canto and Nora Bumanis)
de Cantilon Chamber Choir
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The Time of Snow
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Angelus ad virginem (feat. Belle Canto and Nora Bumanis)
The Time of Snow
Personent Hodie (feat. Belle Canto and Nora Bumanis)
The Time of Snow
The Time of Snow
There Is No Rose (feat. Belle Canto and Nora Bumanis)
The Time of Snow
Coventry Carol (feat. Belle Canto and Nora Bumanis)
The Time of Snow
Gaudete! (feat. Belle Canto)
The Time of Snow
The Stars Point The Way (feat. Belle Canto)
The Time of Snow
The Time of Snow
The Time of Snow
Good People All
The Time of Snow
Gabriel's Greeting
The Time of Snow
The Holly and Ivy Girl (feat. Nora Bumanis)
The Time of Snow
Wenn ich ein Glöcklein wär
The Time of Snow
Still, Still, Still
The Time of Snow
Gesù Bambino
The Time of Snow
Winter Carol
The Time of Snow
God Bless the Master (feat. Belle Canto)
The Time of Snow