de Candlemass
I'm standing up, I'm sitting down
A precious jewel - creation's crown?
Someone is holding my breath
Someone is finding my fears
While the self got lost as the world appeared
Gimme more, gimme less
Than soulless death in the nightingness
I'm missing the moments of love, missing the moments of truth
But hell ain't too bad when you go where there's people you know
Love is such a thing
All join hands and we shall sing
Bade in all its light
And tomorrow brings new life
I Still See the Black
You can walk with me
You can talk with me
You make love to me
I recall
Feed me cake and glass
Put me in a trance
Just the same romance as before
Más canciones de Candlemass
Black Candles
The Man Who Fell from the Sky
Codex Gigas
Mourner's Lament (Studio Outtake)
The Well Of Souls
Crystal Ball
Epicus Doomicus Metallicus
A Sorcerer's Pledge
Epicus Doomicus Metallicus
Mourner's Lament
Seven Silver Keys
Epicus Doomicus Metallicus
Demons Gate
Epicus Doomicus Metallicus
Ancient Dreams
Ancient Dreams
Temple Of The Dead
Chapter VI
Where The Runes Still Speak
Chapter VI
The Dying Illusion
Introducing Candlemass
The Dying Illusion
Chapter VI
Dead Angel
Death Magic Doom
The Well of Souls - Live
Epicus Doomicus Metallicus