Come to Jesus
de BYU Vocal Point
In articulo mortis
Caelitus mihi vires
Nearer, my God, to thee
Nearer to thee
E'en though it be a cross
That raiseth me
There let the way appear (in articulo mortis, caelitus mihi vires)
Steps unto heav'n (deo adjuvante non timendum in perpetuum)
All that thou sendest me (dirige nos domine ad augusta per angusta)
In mercy giv'n (sic itur ad astra, excelsior)
Still all my song shall be (ah, my song shall be)
Nearer, my God, to thee
Nearer, my God, to thee (dirige nos domine ad augusta per angusta)
Nearer to thee (sic itur ad astra, excelsior)
Though like the wanderer (in articulo mortis, caelitus mihi vires)
The Sun gone down (deo adjuvante non timendum in perpetuum)
Darkness be over me (dirige nos domine ad augusta per angusta)
My rest a stone (sic itur ad astra, excelsior)
Angels to beckon me
Nearer, my God, to thee
Nearer, my God, to thee (dirige nos domine ad augusta per angusta)
Nearer to thee (sic itur ad astra, excelsior)
Ooh (excelsior, excelsior)
Or if on joyful wing (in articulo mortis, caelitus mihi vires)
Cleaving the sky (deo adjuvante non timendum in perpetuum)
Sun, Moon, and stars forgot (dirige nos domine ad augusta per angusta)
Upward I (sic itur ad astra, excelsior)
Fly (dirige nos domine ad augusta per angusta)
(Sic itur ad astra, excelsior)
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I Need Thee Every Hour (Arr. McKay Crockett)
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It Is Well with My Soul
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In Christ Alone
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Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing (Arr. Keith McKay Evans)
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Peace in Christ