Me - Time (With The Pulmonary Palimpsest)
They paint their vulva beige
Bleed a cola keg
While I plan to ruin GOP barricades
Those senseless 'zines
Turned censored scenes
I earn a soldier's wage
So I broke your legs
Threw your rollerblades
'Cuz you claimed
That the OG was overpaid
For pointing M-16s
At grenadine
Coursing through the pollster aid
I need my water brunch
In the economic crunch
The financiers are seeped
An' the sexist machines
Express the means
To repeal Roe v. Wade
So I gotta de-mode the dark matter
On the spring loaded park plaza
Who is in charge?
I don't know
they all eat their business cards
(I'm a hack at deer) shootin'
Know Vladimir Putin
While I wear this cashmere pants suit thing
I can knight the spokesman
So Ibuprofen
Becomes your golden egg
(automated) vote ready-tellers
Are subsequent heavy sellers
In the pool of undecided's registry
'Cuz they don't give a fuck
About the findings on a troop surge
It's a moot point
What have you heard?
(Bumbling) idiots for news correspondents
See the desperate need for a new foreign policy
Yet they give credence to the pro-war pandering
As we all squabble for Saturn's rings
(Regimented) doubletalk undercuts the pertinence of
(Corporate) heads tryin' to run away with tax cuts
(In vest)ibles the evangelicals are tent poles
Beggin the heads of state deregulate the gross
(Happy ever) after benefactors all settle matters
(The Senate) gathers to celebrate the fat fucks
(Inabili)ty to give a single solitary hoot about the
(Prola)teriate their merriment is gross
What does this mean for you, though?
(Your niggas looking) g'd up
Rolling in a Prius
(But I gotta) give my money management a C+
With my foreclosed home
An' pork bowl loans
I visit the need to grind
(I'm dating Russian) fem-bots
Sipping on some hemlock
(Cuz' I got) overdue billings on my desktop
(When I've been) over thought and undercooked
That's when I need me-time
I need some me-time with the
Pulmonary Palimpsets
Watch the bank merge
Liberal thinker
Because now the middle finger
Is the California state bird
If ya ain't heard
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Fear Of A Black Tangent
Happiness('s Unit of Measurement) (Prefuse 73 Remix)
Fear Of A Black Tangent