the Hand
de Buckethead
My hand,
My hand,
My hand,
My hand,
My haaand,
Why'd I put in the guillotine?
Why'd I put in the guillotine?
I don't know,
Our days are rows,
My hand
Fingers cut in half
My hand
Ball sweat and b and c and c
Tendons severed!
My hand
My hand
My hand
My hand,My hand,My hand,
You aren't going to crawl from me, are ya?
No,you're not.
Don't you crawl away from me
Don't you crawl no no no no
Look ,nickel, nickel
I ain't going to put in the guillotine again
My hand
My hand
My hand
My hand
Here they are,four figers,
Look you done to me
My hand
Ladies thouse are precious,
Teachers don't work
Here we go
I don't have to play with that hand anymore
I can just, I'll will just
I'll keep in the my pants pocket
That's all I carry aroud with me
It's little so don't matter
I can still pet the dog with it
Damn you guillotine
Who hould have thought a guillotine could a have done somethings like this?
I have in the closet ,and another thing
I thought I would to it again
My hand
It's never able to work again
Ladies thouse are precious,
Teachers don't work
Here we go
It's never able to work again .
Don't you crawl away from me (Don't you crawl away from me)
Gonna scratch some hands
Sit here in my pocket
Let's be good friends
Come on msn
Come on just
I may not be angry
I can suture
I can some stitches , I can sew you togther
Give it away to men to shake hands
And call it buddy
My hand
It's never able to work again
Your hand is uselees now
It's never able to work again
Más canciones de Buckethead
Welcome to Bucketheadland
Live in Bucketheadland
Dawn At The Deuce
Albino Slug
Col. Austin vs. Col. Sanders a.K.a. Red Track Suit
Crime Slunk Scene
The Redeem Team
Albino Slug
Big Sur Moon
King James
Crime Slunk Scene
Nottingham Lace
Enter The Chicken
The Robot Who Lost Its Head
March of the Slunks
Welcome To Bucketheadland
Ghost Host
Live in Bucketheadland
Gory Head Stump 2006 the Pageant of the Slunks
Crime Slunk Scene
We Are One
Enter The Chicken
Big D's Touch
A Real Diamond in the Rough
For Mom
Night of the Slunk
Live in Bucketheadland
The Siphoning Sequence
Captain EO's Voyage
Sketches of Spain
Electric Tears
Electric Tears
Electric Tears