Come Light
de Bifrost Arts
Wer den geist im wein verehrt
Lebt sein leben unbeschwert
Frei von furcht und frei von sorgen
Offnet sich was tief verborgen
Wahres wort und ehrlichkeit
Werden von dem geist befreit
Lust an freude und gesang
Lasst er frei in jedem mann
Hebe an und trinke flott, fulle nach und fahre fort
Stoss mit deinen freunden an solang noch jemand stehen kann
Wer den geist im wein verehrt, lebt sein leben
Unbeschwert frei von furcht und frei von sorgen
Offnet sich was tief verborgen
Wahres wort und ehrlichkeit, werden von dem geist befreit
Lust an freude und gesang lasst er frei in jedem mann
Dankt den gottern fur die gaben, an der sich alle menschen
Laben guter trunk zu jeder stund, halt das kriegerherz gesund
Más canciones de Bifrost Arts
Joy, Joy!!! (feat. Devon Sproule)
Salvation Is Created
Agnus Dei (feat. Timbro Cierpke)
He Will Not Cry Out: Anthology of Hymns and Spiritual Songs, Vol. 2
We Are Not Overcome (feat. Robert Heiskell & Rachel Briggs)
He Will Not Cry Out: Anthology of Hymns and Spiritual Songs, Vol. 2
In Labor All Creation Groans
Lamentations: Simple Songs of Lament and Hope, Vol. 1
Messiah (feat. Robert Heiskell)
Salvation Is Created
Be Still My Soul
Come, O Spirit! Anthology of Hymns and Spiritual Songs, Vol. I
Silent Night (feat. Diane Birch)
Salvation Is Created
Can the Dead Rise up to Praise?
Lamentations: Simple Songs of Lament and Hope, Vol. 1
Bonhoeffer's Prayer (feat. Molly Parden)
He Will Not Cry Out: Anthology of Hymns and Spiritual Songs, Vol. 2
Take Us, O Lord (feat. Aimee Wilson)
He Will Not Cry Out: Anthology of Hymns and Spiritual Songs, Vol. 2
Veiled in Darkness (feat. Matt Bauer)
Salvation Is Created
O Little Town of Bethlehem (feat. Sarah Gregory)
Salvation Is Created
Jesus, Saviour, Pilot Me
Come, O Spirit! Anthology of Hymns and Spiritual Songs, Vol. I
I Sought the Lord
Come, O Spirit! Anthology of Hymns and Spiritual Songs, Vol. I
It Is Finished
Come, O Spirit! Anthology of Hymns and Spiritual Songs, Vol. I
Come, O Spirit!
Come, O Spirit! Anthology of Hymns and Spiritual Songs, Vol. I
Just a Closer Walk
Come, O Spirit! Anthology of Hymns and Spiritual Songs, Vol. I
Open Thou Mine Eyes
Come, O Spirit! Anthology of Hymns and Spiritual Songs, Vol. I
The Mourner's Prayer
Come, O Spirit! Anthology of Hymns and Spiritual Songs, Vol. I
Hard Times
Come, O Spirit! Anthology of Hymns and Spiritual Songs, Vol. I