After the Farmer's Wife
de Benny Benji
I had a dream last night
About when you were mine
The streets ran red with blood
It mixed into the mud
You were a chamber maid in Spain
The king grew fond of you
Confined you to his room
I was a soldier then
I rallied many men
We stormed the castle just for you
Coming for you, ready or not
Nothing's gonna stop my sword from swinging through
Anyone between me and you
Coming for the girl in the tower
For the one who brings the king down to his knees
And drives me crazy with her mystical power
Coming for you, ready or not
Nothing's gonna stop my sword from swinging through
Anyone between me and you
Coming for the girl in the tower
For the one who brings the king down to his knees
And drives me crazy with her mystical power
Coming for you, ready or not
Nothing's gonna stop my sword from swinging through
Anyone between me and you
Más canciones de Benny Benji
Bluetongue Disease
The one day withgrandpa and grandma
Magazine Cowboy
Hymns From the Car Dealership
Better That Way
Hitch Your Wagon to a Star
Rejoice with me for I Have Found my Sheep Which was Lost
Hymns From the Car Dealership
The one day withgrandpa and grandma
Two Pistols Long
Hitch Your Wagon to a Star
Hymns From the Car Dealership
Giacomo Casanova
Hymns From the Car Dealership
Jon Voight
Hymns From the Car Dealership
Birds Fly South in the Winter Because They Have Seasonal Affective Disorder
Hymns From the Car Dealership
If Trees Could Speak I Don't Think I'd Want to Hear Them
Hymns From the Car Dealership
Good Morning Song
Songs for the Wind
I'd Think you were a Lawn Ornament if I Knew any Better
Flat Rate Oklahoma Kid
St. Gabriel's Lawn
The one day withgrandpa and grandma
Quail Shot
The one day withgrandpa and grandma
Asleep During Harvest
The one day withgrandpa and grandma
The one day withgrandpa and grandma
Hip Dysplasia
The one day withgrandpa and grandma
I Didn't Want Them
The one day withgrandpa and grandma
Drunk Drivers
The one day withgrandpa and grandma