de Bal-Sagoth
Silvern skull, sable shroud, ebon tower, onyx crown.
Witchfire, black citadel, frost-shrouded steel, moon-veiled spell.
The skyqueen of the dead rides forth, black storm-borne steeds,
(their flanks anointed by) immortal blood,
Hark to the striking of the winds, the moon burns black as slaughter reigns.
Bright fires agleam through winter's night,
Dark spells whispered on the winds,
The trees enrob'd in veils of frost,
Moonfire entwines the Eye of Khthon.
From the moon-swathed depths of winter-mists,
Enchantress, she-who-walks-the-night-alone,
Sloe-eyed shape-shifting sucubus,
Silken veils and slime-smeared flesh.
Storm-Witch, hearken this night,
Hone this black blade with sorcery,
Battle-spells annoint my flesh,
Let blood and steel be my glory.
Elder tongues encarved in sinistrous slime-flecked stone,
The Obsidian Tower broods 'neath the moon,
Winged fiends descend from storm-wrought skies,
Black Ring, key to the Shadow Gate, aglow with eldritch spells.
Forged in witchfire, envenomed steel,
Ensorcelled blade, blood-ravening,
Ebon demon's tooth, the bane of Kings,
Red rain of slaughter, prow of blood.
Más canciones de Bal-Sagoth
Draconis Albionensis
Atlantis Ascendant
The Chronicle of Shadows
Atlantis Ascendant
The Thirteen Cryptical Prophecies of Mu
The Power Cosmic
Spellcraft And Moonfire [Beyond The Citadel Of Frosts]
A Black Moon Broods Over Lemuria
Into the Silent Chambers of the Sapphirean Throne - Sagas from the Antediluvian Scrolls / Valley of Silent Paths
A Black Moon Broods Over Lemuria
Behold, The Armies of War Descend Screaming from the Heavens!
The Power Cosmic
Unfettering the Hoary Sentinels of Karnak
The Chthonic Chronicles
A Black Moon Broods Over Lemuria
Dreaming of Atlantean Spires
A Black Moon Broods Over Lemuria
Black Moon Broods Over Lemuria
A Black Moon Broods Over Lemuria
Enthroned In The Temple Of The Serpent Kings
A Black Moon Broods Over Lemuria
Shadows 'Neath The Black Pyramid
A Black Moon Broods Over Lemuria
The Ravening
A Black Moon Broods Over Lemuria
Battle Magic
Battle Magic
Naked Steel
Battle Magic
Tale From The Deep Woods
Battle Magic
Return Of The Praesidium Of Woods
Battle Magic
Crystal Shards
Battle Magic
Dark Leige Of Chaos
Battle Magic