Arcana Antediluvia
de Bal-Sagoth
The Antediluvian Oracle:]
And so it was written, that rage would carry him like a howling wind, leaving only frozen corpses,
Their bones rattling in hollow armour, to tell their tale in his wake.
[The Black Mariner:]
Behold, my blackened, grim and gory axe, the searing glow of trenchant steel.
I'll notch another widow to my haft, and wreak red vengeance 'cross the waves.
Tales of black-sailed argosies, bedeviled by base treachery!
[The Antediluvian Oracle:]
His gaze is as fire, his words are as spear-points, his voice is as thunder, his touch as the plague!
[The Black Mariner:]
Storm-prow cleaving, dragon rending, nighted deeps far, far below,
Hail-scur scouring, sea devouring, sunken realm's ethereal glow.
[The Antediluvian Oracle:]
And one night, there came a storm, a storm with searing red winds.
Fire and steel rode within it, and vengeance writ in thunder and blood!
[The Black Mariner:]
Down sixty fathoms, from stygian coral-clad tombs, the pitiless abyssal sea disgorges its shambling mold-mottled dead,
Dank innards blackly acoil with nests of slithering things!
Ghosts aglide upon the eldritch seas, unfathomed voyage to ascendancy,
Traitorous blood, the surf roils red, churning crimson, thrice-cursed dead.
[The Antediluvian Oracle:]
'Tis enough that men might dream of being kings without aspiring to the power of gods.
[To be continued in "Arcana Antediluvia Act II: The Demon in the Dusklight Crystal."]
Más canciones de Bal-Sagoth
Draconis Albionensis
Atlantis Ascendant
The Chronicle of Shadows
Atlantis Ascendant
The Thirteen Cryptical Prophecies of Mu
The Power Cosmic
Spellcraft And Moonfire [Beyond The Citadel Of Frosts]
A Black Moon Broods Over Lemuria
Into the Silent Chambers of the Sapphirean Throne - Sagas from the Antediluvian Scrolls / Valley of Silent Paths
A Black Moon Broods Over Lemuria
Behold, The Armies of War Descend Screaming from the Heavens!
The Power Cosmic
Unfettering the Hoary Sentinels of Karnak
The Chthonic Chronicles
A Black Moon Broods Over Lemuria
Dreaming of Atlantean Spires
A Black Moon Broods Over Lemuria
Black Moon Broods Over Lemuria
A Black Moon Broods Over Lemuria
Enthroned In The Temple Of The Serpent Kings
A Black Moon Broods Over Lemuria
Shadows 'Neath The Black Pyramid
A Black Moon Broods Over Lemuria
A Black Moon Broods Over Lemuria
The Ravening
A Black Moon Broods Over Lemuria
Battle Magic
Battle Magic
Naked Steel
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Tale From The Deep Woods
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Return Of The Praesidium Of Woods
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Crystal Shards
Battle Magic