Responsoria ad Matutium in Nativitate Domini iuxta ritum monastaticum: Responsorium I: Hodie nobis caelorum rex
de Anonymous
Ja entenc per què tot el món va al revés
I no volem trobar solucions als problemes que hi han
No vulguis ser el que no ets
Sempre estàs pensant en si vius bé
I no hi ha temps per lo demés
El món en joc i no fas res
Tots estem d'acord ho podem fer
Podem unir-nos, fer-ho bé
Reflexiona tu mateix, tu mateix
(One two, one two, one two three four)
Left, right, up and down, it's upside down
That's how we make the world turn now
Can't hide the fact that it's happening
We can do our world some good
We can make a change, it's what we should
Time will tell us, but we must act now
(Let's go)
El problema sembla ser
Que l'interès no és el mateix
Arreglar d'un cop el món
És possible si ho fem tots
Tots estem d'acord ho podem fer
Podem unir-nos, fer-ho bé
Reflexiona tu mateix, tu mateix
(One two, one two, one two three four)
Left, right, up and down, it's upside down
That's how we make the world turn now
Can't hide the fact that it's happening
We can do our world some good
We can make a change, that's what we should
Time will tell us, but we must act now
(Only you)
Left, right, up and down, it's upside down
That's how we make the world turn now
Can't hide the fact that it's happening
We can do our world some good
We can make a change, that's what we should
Time will tell us, but we must act now
We realise it, but we don't act
'Cause we grab on to what we have
We still can act but we don't react
'Cause we only care about what we have
About what we have
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