Tea and Thorazine
de Andrew Bird
I can tell by the way you take your infusion
You've spent some time in a mental institution
Oh what a dream life would be if only...
They let you keep your etchasketch
You laugh like a banshee gesticulate your delirium
They treat you like a corpse keep you full of candy lithium
What a dream life would be if only...
It hadn't been for Doctor B.
Animate yourself an alternate reality
Consummate a self-pleasing artificiality
You can have yourself a tea
I can tell by the way you take your infusion
You've spent some time in a mental institution
Oh what a dream life would be if only...
They let you keep your etchasketch
I observed a man hunched over a cup of Mountain
Dew a chimichanga at a public cafeteria in Arkansas.
"I bet he's been in a mental institution"
I thought. As it happened. I was correct.
My brother, who is autistic, had his art supplies
taken away from him by health care workers,
Ostensibly as a means of discipline.
Dr. B (Bruno Bettleheim) godfather of Autism and
its diagnosis, concluded that autism is instilled by
The mother. He was, in my opinion, a bad man.
Más canciones de Andrew Bird
My Finest Work Yet
Without A Leg To Stand On
Without A Leg To Stand On
The Gotholympians Featuring Madison Cunningham
We Are Olympians
Waiting to Talk
The Swimming Hour
Olympians - Acoustic
We Are Olympians
Don The Struggle
My Finest Work Yet
My Finest Work Yet
Roma Fade
Are You Serious
Pulaski at Night
I Want to See Pulaski at Night
Are You Serious
Are You Serious
Improvisation on a Familiar Theme
Outside Problems
Three White Horses
Hands of Glory
Outside Problems
My Finest Work Yet
Crying In The Night
Crying In The Night
Armchair Apocrypha
Inside Problems
Heaven’s Boughs
Outside Problems
Fake Palindromes
The Mysterious Production of Eggs
Lone Didion
Inside Problems