Life's A Happy Song
de Andrew Bird
When I wake up
In the morning
Pour the coffee
And I read the paper
And I slowly
And so softly
I do the dishes
I feed the fishes
Sing a birthday
Sing it like it's going to be your last day
Like it's hallelujah
Don't let it just pass on through ya
It's a giant and long cliché
And that's why I want you to sing it anyway
Sing me happy birthday
'Cause, hell, what's it all about?
Sing me happy birthday
Happy birthday
It's gonna be your last day
Gonna be your last day
Sing me happy birthday
Happy birthday
Like it's going to be
Going to be your last day
Más canciones de Andrew Bird
My Finest Work Yet
Without A Leg To Stand On
Without A Leg To Stand On
The Gotholympians Featuring Madison Cunningham
We Are Olympians
Waiting to Talk
The Swimming Hour
Olympians - Acoustic
We Are Olympians
Don The Struggle
My Finest Work Yet
My Finest Work Yet
Roma Fade
Are You Serious
Pulaski at Night
I Want to See Pulaski at Night
Are You Serious
Are You Serious
Improvisation on a Familiar Theme
Outside Problems
Three White Horses
Hands of Glory
Outside Problems
My Finest Work Yet
Crying In The Night
Crying In The Night
Armchair Apocrypha
Inside Problems
Heaven’s Boughs
Outside Problems
Fake Palindromes
The Mysterious Production of Eggs
Lone Didion
Inside Problems