Dear Dirty
de Andrew Bird
On the way to Greenland
I shall find
All the disparate fragments of your mind
I shall return a different man
And darling, do all that I can
On the way to Greenland
I shall find no mundane distractions of any kind
If beneath the ice fields there's a room
It's there I'll find my peace a lovely tomb
Friends, Greenland is a place where souls go to dry out
It is a vast and terrifying place of ice fields and tundra
Bereft of fire and in the horror of its imposing irrelevance
There is a peace
The peace of pain
The peace of nothing
Well friends, I'm going there
Fear is lying dying in the sands
And it's breathing from the gills of my Greenland.
Más canciones de Andrew Bird
My Finest Work Yet
Without A Leg To Stand On
Without A Leg To Stand On
The Gotholympians Featuring Madison Cunningham
We Are Olympians
Waiting to Talk
The Swimming Hour
Olympians - Acoustic
We Are Olympians
Don The Struggle
My Finest Work Yet
My Finest Work Yet
Roma Fade
Are You Serious
Pulaski at Night
I Want to See Pulaski at Night
Are You Serious
Are You Serious
Improvisation on a Familiar Theme
Outside Problems
Three White Horses
Hands of Glory
Outside Problems
My Finest Work Yet
Crying In The Night
Crying In The Night
Armchair Apocrypha
Inside Problems
Heaven’s Boughs
Outside Problems
Fake Palindromes
The Mysterious Production of Eggs
Lone Didion
Inside Problems