Ah! Pook the Destroyer
de Allen Ginsberg
Today I
Said goodbye
To my conflicted goddess
Her lush eyes
Show surprise
At how we could gather knowledge
The painting has a dream
Where shadow breaks the scene
And the colors run off
Blue is bashful
Green is my goal
Yellow girls are running backwards
Until the nextime
With six hits of sunshine
The lights will blind up with blues in haiku
The shadow has a dream
Where painters look to sea
The colors burn out
Now i know where
I once saw you
Stepping into muddy water
John's reflection
Decried perfection
Now you walk him through the gardren
Waiting in the wings
Painters shade their dreams
With falling colors
See me wave good
Bye forever
Happiness the goddess lover
Hurry back re
Member last time
The hits of sunshine
The hits of goldmine
I'll see you back tonite
Where painters love the light
And yellow shadow girls
Today i
Say goodbye
To my complicious goddess
Her hushed eyes
Show surprise
And how we captured knowledge
I?ll see you back tonite
Where shadows dream of light
Let?s slip on outside
Más canciones de Allen Ginsberg
4 A.M. Blues / New York Blues / New York Youth Call Annunciation (medley)
First Blues: Rags, Ballads and Harmonium Songs
The Echoing Green
The Complete Songs Of Innocence And Experience
Amazing Grace
The Ballad Of The Skeletons
A Dream
Holy Soul Jelly Roll
Approaching Salina
Wichita Vortex Sutra
Howl (for Carl Solomon)
Holy Soul Jelly Roll
Howl (For Carl Solomon)
Spoken Word Collection
Bob Dylan's Greenwich Village
Howl Plus Bonus Tracks
The Essential Poet Collection
The Sunflower Sutra
Howl Plus Bonus Tracks
Footnote to Howl
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A Supermarket in California
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Transcription of Organ Music
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In Back of the Real
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Strange Coittage in Berkeley
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Europe, Europe
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Howl Plus Bonus Tracks