Ki Taboou El Haaretz
de Albert Assayag
Amazônia santuário esmeralda
Pôr-do-sol beija tuas águas
Pátria verde florescida pelas lágrimas
A grinalda do luar vem te abençoar
Templo de rios, florestas,lagos, cachoeiras
Encontro das águas, das cores da natureza
Anavilhanas, Jaú, Janauarí, Macuricanã
Teus santuários ecológicos
Teus sublimes mananciais
Murmuram uma triste oração
A nossa fauna corre o risco de extinção
Onça-pintada, cutia, preguiça, tamanduá-bandeira
Ariranha, peixe-boi, tartaruga, sauím-de-coleira
Na revoada dos pássaros
A dança da liberdade
Não tire as penas da vida
Preserve a biodiversidade
No ermo da amazônia
Bicho folharal cantará
Preserve a naturaza
É preservar o próprio homem
Mãe, mãe natureza, mãe, mãe natureza
Más canciones de Albert Assayag
Leha Dodi
Israel Evergreens: The Very Best of Israel (Jewish and Israeli Music)
Hava Naguila - Réjouissons nous, Psalm 118 verse 24
Israel Evergreens: The Very Best of Israel (Jewish and Israeli Music)
Hevenu Shalom Aleichem
Israel Evergreens: The Very Best of Israel (Jewish and Israeli Music)
Hay Vekayam
Israel Evergreens: The Very Best of Israel (Jewish and Israeli Music)
Israel Evergreens: The Very Best of Israel (Jewish and Israeli Music)
Shir Hassidi
Israel Evergreens: The Very Best of Israel (Jewish and Israeli Music)
Jerusalem, Psalm 137 - Si je t'oublie Jerusalem, Psaume 137
Israel Evergreens: The Very Best of Israel (Jewish and Israeli Music)
Hayou Shnei Haverim
Israel Evergreens: The Very Best of Israel (Jewish and Israeli Music)
Bearvot Ha Neguev
Israel Evergreens: The Very Best of Israel (Jewish and Israeli Music)
Eli Eli
Israel Evergreens: The Very Best of Israel (Jewish and Israeli Music)
Tchiribim Tchiribom
Israel Evergreens: The Very Best of Israel (Jewish and Israeli Music)
Eliahou Hanavi
Israel Evergreens: The Very Best of Israel (Jewish and Israeli Music)
Siman Tov
Israel Evergreens: The Very Best of Israel (Jewish and Israeli Music)
David Leleh Israel / Eretz Zavat Halav / Yale Eli / Hinei Ma Tov / Ysmehou Ha Shamaim / Hevenu Shalom Aleichem
Israel Evergreens: The Very Best of Israel (Jewish and Israeli Music)