Snowstorm, Howling Wind and Fireplace Sounds (Winter Cave Ambience)

de Aine Minogue

Jesus dulcedo cordium, fons veri, lumen mentium,
Excedit omne gaudium et omne desiderium

Jesu, spes paenitentibus,
Quam pius es pententibus
Quam bonus te quaerentibus,
Sed quid invenientibus
Mane nobiscum, Domine,
Mane novum cum lumine,
Pulsa noctis caligine,
Mundum replens dulcedina

Jesus dulcedo cordium, fons veri, lumen mentium,
Excedit omne gaudium et omne desiderium

Amen. [edit]English translation
Jesus, thou Joy of loving hearts
Thou Fount of Life, thou light of men
From the best bliss each earth imparts
We turn unfilled to thee again

Thy truth unchanged hath ever stood;
Thou savest those that on thee call
To them that seek thee, thou art good
To them that find thee, all in all

O Jesus, ever with us stay
Make all our moments calm and bright
Chase the dark of wrong away
shed o'er the world thy holy light.


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