We Both
de 36 Questions
When I was with you I was real
When I was with you I could be myself
When I was with you I didn't feel
Lost, confused or frightened
Or scared to be who I am
When I was with you I was real
We both think you look great in a head sweater
We both enjoy an empty cafe
We both are actual human beings to waiters
We both are not totally straight
None of that changes
None of that has changed
We both like drinking hot tea in warm weather
We both like playing guitar
We both like when you tell me the plots of bad movies
We both forget our card at the bar almost always
When I was with you I was real
When I was with you I could be myself
When I was with you I was real
Like as real as my retainer
That I left at your house one time
When I am with you I am real
Now, do you remember what I said the first time we did the questions? About my perfect day?
Yes you said that tomorrow could be the perfect day if we let it be that's not the kind of answer you forget, especially when the person answering it is wearing a low-cut blouse
You thinking about my blouse?
I'm remembering it do you remember my answer?
Hmm… With broad strokes picnic in the park with your family mini-muffin basket for lunch everyone getting together under a big blanket and watching the entire third season of the office
Still true
And I'd still wanna be there with you
(Flipping pages)
Question 5
When was the last time you sang to yourself? To someone else?
This afternoon to henry
What about to yourself?
He only stayed for half
The last time I sang was on my way over here in the car
You sang?! What did you sing?
Oh, I'm gonna die out here
Oh, that hit I forgot about that one
And I think that counts as me singing to someone else ask me the next one
Question 6
If you were able to live to the age of 90 and retain either the mind
Or body of a 30-year-old for the last 60 years of your life, which would you want?
Do you remember my answer?
Body do you remember mine?
Mind see? Nothing has changed we're still a good half-sexy team question 7
Do you have a secret hunch about how you will die?
You said that you thought you were gonna die in your car, but you weren't sure how
Right? And you said that you weren't afraid of death
And I'm still not I'm only afraid of dying alone read the next one
Question 8
Name 3 things you and your partner appear to have in common
We both are super good at settlers of catan
We both become monsters when we lose
We both think we have the best worst name for a band
We both check Twitter for our news
There's 4
We both say the other is better at cooking
We both hate that kitchen island we built
We both need a glass of water on the bedside table
We both recycle purely out of guilt
We both have dreams much bigger than ourselves
We both think that's how to live
We both put up a fight for all the right reasons
And we both eventually give
I tried so hard to separate
Who you are from who you were
But now I'm reevaluating
How similar you are to her
You have the same voice
And the same cadence when you speak
If I close my eyes
You still sound to me like natalie
When I was with you I was real
When I was with you I could be myself
Am I in love with natalie?
Or who's right in front of me?
When I am with you I can feel
Shivers running down my spine
Your skin close to mine
It's like my 5 senses make my heart defenseless
With you
When I am with you I am real
When I am with you I am actually too real
When I am with you everything feels
With you
With you
With you
So real
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